SCAM - This is often overlooked by people who give their number to a dealer and they keep calling the customer back over and over again. (A form of aggression and harassment actually). If you call a dealer wanting a price or information and they keep calling you back. This is a red flag. Since it's normal for businesses to ask for the customer's number, you just have to wait and see how they'll be if you contacted most of these companies. With each call, they will offer you things like a special Seasonal Sale, or Anniversary sale, or Sale for a National Holiday, or a sale because your nice.  

They will just continue to push further discounts until you choose to buy from them. They are trying to trap you into committing. THESE COMPANIES ALWAYS SELL LIKE THIS! That is just how many hyperbaric treatment chamber companies operate. You really think it's a sale? You really think you're saving money? You really think these hyperbaric oxygen chambers would really work as they claim? Think about it if you haven't already.

Ask for Sharon
1-877 573-4647

Ask for Sharon
1-877 573-4647

Bemer Pro - HealthyWave - QRS 101.5 Mat - IMRS 2000 - MAS Pemf - Sedona Mat - OMI MAT - BIOBALANCE
Use this form to help find the best deal on any of the pemf mat below. I am always negotiating prices with dealers and manufacturers to get people the lowest prices. Use my volume of sales to your advantage!
Is there a brand you want that is not listed?
Which pemf mat(s) are you interested in?
Enter model # or brand here
best time to call:
Your privacy is critically important to me. With this pemf site, I have a few fundamental principles: I don’t ask you for personal information unless I truly need it. (I can’t stand services that ask you for things like your gender or income level for no apparent reason.) I don’t share your personal information with anyone except to comply with the law. I use this to help you pick out a pemf mat based on your answers. I don’t store personal information on my servers unless required for the on-going operation of one of my services. You can opt out of receiving an email from me. I do not send emails unless requested.

Ask for Sharon
1-877 573-4647

Ask for Sharon
1-877 573-4647

Bemer Pro - HealthyWave - QRS 101.5 Mat - IMRS 2000 - MAS Pemf - Sedona Mat - OMI MAT - BIOBALANCE
Bemer Pro Mat
QRS 1015 Mat
iMRS mat
Sedona Pro
Vasin Dux
MAS Pemf mat
Medithera Pemf mat
BioBalance pemf mat
OMI mat
InfraPemf Pro