Ok.. let me put it this way. You need to know what you need so you can find the best pemf mat. The pemf mats I like are totally different than those looking for a high gauss stimulating jolt like. Based on the person's individual needs, there can be MANY bests.
There is always a best model for someone if they try enough of them or they can let their dealer know what they are looking for, that is, if they can actually trust their dealer to not just sell them the one they THINK they will buy based on sales clues (the way they are dressed in the store, the way they talk on the phone or the town they are from). I called the same store on different days and told them my needs. One day I pretended like money was no issue... the other time I told them I was on a budget... I told them my needs.. OK............. And.........I got two different recommendations each time.
The salesperson tried to sell me whatever they think was in my budget weather or not the pemf mat matched my needs or not. I am tired of these dealers trying to always push the brand they make the most money on in the price range the customer is looking for.
The best model might have all the features you are asking for but unless you use it, it can feel totally different than the way it is described. There are some cheaply made non Safety Certified pemf mats but have powerful gauss that do the job (at first). They might have poor construction and high electrosmog and a lack of features but they feel the best at first during the short short trial period. I always recommend getting at least a 4 month, preferably 6 month return policy. If they want to charge restocking fees, hang up!
DO NOT BUY A PEMF MAT FROM A DEALER WHO IS NOT WILLING TO LET YOU TRY IT FIRST. IF THEY HAD NOTHING TO HIDE, THEY WOULD USE THEIR DEMO MODELS, AND DO WHATEVER IT TOOK TO EARN YOUR BUSINESS. BUT IF THE DEALER KNOWS HIS BRAND IS NOT THAT GOOD, YOU MIGHT NOT GET TO TRY IT. You will likely hear a good sales conversation. Do not get sold on the conversation. Get on the mat if you aren't sure. Don't every feel pressured or go by the advice of a salesperson. Using one can answer most of the questions you might already have.
Use your intuition and not some sales talk by some random pemf salesperson on the net.
NOTE: If a company tells you that they do not have anyone in your area for you to try it, then I would personally not buy from someone who has been in business for "20 years" who has sold "thousands" as they claim and hasn't sold one in your area. A dealer, in my opinion, should be happy to call one of their customers and ask them if someone in their local area can come by and try it. If they have a good pemf therapy mat, they should be happy to do this.
The truth is, I already sold my first two pemf mats and bought my third one to "resolve" my my mistakes. By this time I knew more because I was getting ready to sell this one off after learning more things. So these pemf companies didn't realize I was not a "newbie" at this with limited information. I didn't even bring up electrical issues (EMF and ElectroSmog) in the beginning because I wanted to hear what they said, of course, they didn't mention anything about this either. But I learned this so it made me question them more. The second model that I sold was my last mistake, because I was sold by the company marketing Advanced Technology from Germany. This company was even saying how their technology was the original German inventors technology, so I was happy until I used it. If I didn't get an itch to research to learn more about the it, I probably would think that they were the best pemf mat. Come to find out EASILY once I typed in certain keywords, THIS COMPANY WAS JUST IMPORTING FROM CHINA WITH A PRIVATE LABEL!!! Yeah they had original German Technology, the ripped off imitation version from China and Taiwan that so many of these companies have!
We buy used Bemer Pro mats. For those on strict budgets, call for our pricing and selection of any returns, demos, or used pemf mats.